Return Policy

Our return policy is simple. Contact us first about any return request. We keep records of every item sold from us. If the item is undamaged, unworn, free of odors (including, but not limited to cologne/perfume/cigar/cigarette smoke), unbent (for flat brimmed hats) and in it’s original packaging we will refund your money for the item upon return. Please include a tracking number with your return.  

When we receive a call for a cancellation or a return we will refund the original purchase price from your receipt minus a 20% re-stocking fee.  However, if the error is ours as far as cancellation for back-up order we will return you full price of items or items not shipping before the 90 days or wrong size or the wrong color, we will refund the entire purchase price for exchanges or returns. All items returned must be in the original packaging, unworn, unwashed and in resalable condition or no refund will be given. Buyer pays all charges for cancellation, shipping, refunds and exchanges.